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Runtime Configuration

This article covers an overview of all the knobs that you can tweak to align the Resource Discovery runtime with your needs.

Promitor Resource Discovery runtime is configured by mounting the configuration to a volume.

Depending on the operating system, it need to be available on :

  • /config/runtime.yaml for Linux
  • c:/config/runtime.yaml for Windows

We provide the capability to override te runtime YAML via environment variables, if you have the need for it.

Here is a complete example of the runtime YAML:

  # Options are ServicePrincipal, SystemAssignedManagedIdentity, UserAssignedManagedIdentity.
  mode: ServicePrincipal # Optional. Default: ServicePrincipal.
  identityId: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx # Optional.
  httpPort: 80 # Optional. Default: 80
  enabled: true # Optional. Default: true
  durationInMinutes: 5 # Optional. Default: 5
    instrumentationKey: ABC # Optional. Note: Required to be specified when turned on
    isEnabled: false # Optional. Default: false
    verbosity: trace # Optional. Default: N/A
    isEnabled: true # Optional. Default: true
    verbosity: trace # Optional. Default: N/A
  defaultVerbosity: error # Optional. Default: error


The Promitor runtime allows you to use various ways to authenticate to Azure:

  • authentication.mode - Defines authentication mode to use. Options are ServicePrincipal, SystemAssignedManagedIdentity, UserAssignedManagedIdentity. (defaults to service principle)
  • authentication.identityId - Id of the Azure AD entity to authenticate with when integrating with Microsoft Azure. Required when using ServicePrincipal or UserAssignedManagedIdentity.


  # Options are ServicePrincipal, SystemAssignedManagedIdentity, UserAssignedManagedIdentity.
  mode: ServicePrincipal # Optional. Default: ServicePrincipal.
  identityId: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx # Optional.


The Promitor runtime is flexible and allows you to configure it to meet your needs:

  • server.httpPort - Defines the port to serve HTTP traffic (default 80)


  httpPort: 80 # Optional. Default: 80


The Promitor runtime allows you to cache discovered resources to optimize for performance and avoid hitting Azure throttling.

You can configure how the cache should behave:

  • cache.enabled - Indication whether or not discovered resources should be cached in-memory. (default true)
  • cache.durationInMinutes - Amount of minutes to cache discovered resources. (default 5)


  enabled: true # Optional. Default: true
  durationInMinutes: 5 # Optional. Default: 5


We provide insights in how our runtime is doing and is written to one or more sinks.

You can determine what telemetry sinks you want and what the default verbosity should be via the runtime YAML.

General telemetry information can be configured:

  • telemetry.defaultVerbosity- Defines the default minimum log level that should be logged if a sink does not provide one. Allowed values are Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Critical, None ordered from most to least verbose. (Default: Error)

To learn more about the configured sinks and their configuration, see "Telemetry Sinks".


    # [...]
    # [...]
  defaultVerbosity: error # Optional. Default: error

Telemetry Sinks

Promitor provides the telemetry, but it's up to you to choose where you want to send it to.

We currently support the following sinks:

Container Logs

Promitor can send telemetry to stdout/stderr.

In order to enable use this sink, the following configuration needs to be provided:

  • telemetry.containerLogs.isEnabled - Determines if the sink is used or not. (Default: true)
  • telemetry.containerLogs.verbosity - Verbosity to use for this sink, if not specified then the telemetry.defaultVerbosity will be used. (Optional)


    isEnabled: true # Optional. Default: true
    verbosity: trace # Optional. Default: N/A
  defaultVerbosity: error # Optional. Default: error

Azure Application Insights

Promitor can send telemetry to Azure Application Insights when there is a need to.

It currently supports:

  • Traces Availability Badge
  • Exceptions

In order to enable use this sink, the following configuration needs to be provided:

  • telemetry.applicationInsights.isEnabled - Determines if the sink is used or not. (Default: true)
  • telemetry.applicationInsights.verbosity - Verbosity to use for this sink, if not specified then the telemetry.defaultVerbosity will be used. (Optional)
  • telemetry.applicationInsights.instrumentationKey - Defines the instrumentation key to use when sending telemetry to Azure Application Insights


    instrumentationKey: ABC # Optional. Note: Required to be specified when turned on
    isEnabled: false # Optional. Default: false
    verbosity: trace # Optional. Default: N/A
    isEnabled: true # Optional. Default: true
    verbosity: trace # Optional. Default: N/A
  defaultVerbosity: error # Optional. Default: error

Overriding configuration with environment variables

In certain scenarios you'd like to override what was configured in the runtime YAML. Therefore we provide the capability to override them via environment variables.

Every environment variable should be prefixed with PROMITOR_YAML_OVERRIDE_ followed by the YAML hierarchy where every level is replaced with __ rather than a tab. Environment variables are not case sensitive.

Our runtime configuration API endpoint allows you to verify if it was overriden and returns what will be used to run Promitor.

⚠ Depending on the configuration that is changed it may be required to restart Promitor, for example changing the HTTP port.


Let's say we want to override the following HTTP port:

  httpPort: 80

An environment variable called PROMITOR_YAML_OVERRIDE_server__httpPort can be provided which specifies the new port.

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