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Metrics Declaration

All the Azure Monitor metrics that need to be scraped are consolidated in one YAML file which is referred to as the metric declaration.

This declaration defines the overall Azure metadata and all the metrics you want to expose.

Every metric describes the Azure Monitor metric that it represents and what Azure resources that should be scraped. It allows you to statically declaring the resources to scrape and/or use automatic resource discovery.

Supported Azure Services

Generic Azure Resource allows you to scrape every Azure service supported by Azure Monitor.

We also provide a simplified way to scrape the following Azure resources:

Want to help out? Create an issue and contribute a new scraper.

General Declaration

As Promitor evolves we need to change the structure of our metrics declaration.

version: {version} - Version of declaration that is used. Allowed values are v1. (Required)


  • azureMetadata.tenantId - The id of the Azure tenant that will be queried.
  • azureMetadata.subscriptionId - The id of the default subscription to query.
  • azureMetadata.resourceGroupName - The name of the default resource group to query.
  • - The name of the Azure cloud to use. Options are Global (default), China, UsGov, Germany, & Custom.
  • azureMetadata.endpoints - Required when is set to Custom. Defines the custom endpoints to use:
    • authenticationEndpoint - The custom authentication endpoint.
    • managementEndpoint - The custom service management endpoint.
    • resourceManagerEndpoint - The custom Azure ARM resource management endpoint.
    • graphEndpoint - The custom Active Directory graph endpoint.
    • storageEndpointSuffix - The custom storage service url suffix.
    • keyVaultSuffix - The custom Key Vault service url suffix.
    • metricsQueryAudience - The custom audiences available for metrics query.
    • metricsClientAudience - The custom audiences available for metrics client.
    • logAnalyticsEndpoint - The custom log analytics endpoint. (Required only if Azure Log Analytics resource is configured for scraping)

Metric Defaults

  • metricDefaults.aggregation.interval - The default interval which defines over what period measurements of a metric should be aggregated. a cron that fits your needs.
  • metricDefaults.limit - The default maximum amount of resources to scrape when using dimensions or filters.
  • metricDefaults.labels - The default labels that will be applied to all metrics. (starting as of v2.3)
  • metricDefaults.scraping.schedule - A cron expression that controls the frequency of which all the configured metrics will be scraped from Azure Monitor. You can use to generate a cron that fits your needs. (Required)


Every metric that is being declared needs to define the following fields:

  • name - Name of the metric that will be reported.
  • description - Description for the metric that will be reported.
  • resourceType - Defines what type of resource needs to be queried.
  • azureMetricConfiguration.metricName - The name of the metric in Azure Monitor to query
  • azureMetricConfiguration.aggregation.type - The aggregation that needs to be used when querying Azure Monitor
  • azureMetricConfiguration.aggregation.interval - Overrides the default aggregation interval defined in metricDefaults.aggregation.interval with a new interval
  • resources - An array of one or more resources to get metrics for. The fields required vary depending on the resourceType being created, and are documented for each resource.
  • azureMetricConfiguration.limit - The maximum amount of resources to scrape when using dimensions or filters.
  • resourceDiscoveryGroups An array of one or more resource discovery groups that will be used to automatically discover all resources through Promitor Resource Discovery. For every found resource, it will get the metrics and report them. Learn more on resource discovery, in our documentation

All resources provide the capability to override the default Azure metadata:

  • subscriptionId - Changes the subscription id to which the resource belongs. (Overrides azureMetadata.subscriptionId)
  • resourceGroupName - Changes the resource group that contains resource. (Overrides azureMetadata.resourceGroupName)

Additionally, the following fields are optional:

  • azureMetricConfiguration.dimensions - A list of dimensions that should be used to scrape a multi-dimensional metric in Azure Monitor.
  • Promitor simply acts as a proxy and will not validate if the given dimensions are supported or not, we recommend verifying that they are in the official documentation
  • labels - Defines a set of custom labels to include for a given metric.
  • scraping.schedule - A scraping schedule for the individual metric; overrides the the one specified in metricDefaults


Here is an example of how you can scrape two Azure Service Bus queues in different resource groups, one in the promitor resource group and one on the promitor-dev resource group. This example also shows custom cloud endpoints configuration:

version: v1
  tenantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  subscriptionId: yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy
  resourceGroupName: promitor
  cloud: Custom
    interval: 00:05:00
  limit: 10
    geo: china
    environment: dev
    # Every minute
    schedule: "0 * * ? * *"
  - name: azure_service_bus_active_messages
    description: "The number of active messages on a service bus queue."
    resourceType: ServiceBusNamespace
      app: promitor
      tier: messaging
      # Every 2 minutes
      schedule: "0 */2 * ? * *"
      metricName: ActiveMessages
      limit: 5
      # Deprecated, please use 'dimensions' instead
        name: <dimension-name>
        - name: <first-dimension-name>
        - name: <second-dimension-name>
        type: Total
        interval: 00:15:00
    resources: # Optional, required when no resource discovery is configured
      - namespace: promitor-messaging
        queueName: orders
      - namespace: promitor-messaging-dev
        resourceGroupName: promitor-dev
        subscriptionId: ABC
    resourceDiscoveryGroups: # Optional, requires Promitor Resource Discovery agent (
    - name: service-bus-landscape

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