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Promitor is an Azure Monitor scraper which makes the metrics available for metric systems such as Atlassian Statuspage, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus and StatsD.


Running Promitor Scraper

Running Promitor Scraper is super easy:

docker run -d -p 8999:80 --name promitor-agent-scraper \
                         --env PROMITOR_AUTH_APPID='<azure-ad-app-id>'   \
                         --env-file C:/Promitor/az-mon-auth.creds \
                         --volume C:/Promitor/metrics-declaration.yaml:/config/metrics-declaration.yaml \
                         --volume C:/Promitor/runtime.yaml:/config/runtime.yaml \

Docker image is available on GitHub Container Registry.


  • Automatically scrapes Azure Monitor metrics (single and multi-dimensional) across various subscription & resource groups
  • Automatically pushes metrics to systems such as Atlassian Statuspage, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus and StatsD
  • Easy to declare metrics to scrape via metrics-as-code or automatically discover resources
  • Built-in support for a variety of Azure services (overview)
  • Easily deployable via Docker & Kubernetes
  • Sends telemetry to container logs & Azure Application Insights
  • Available for Linux & Windows runtimes
  • Support for all Azure clouds

And there is more on the way - Check our backlog and vote for features!


Promitor is actively maintained and developed with best-effort support.

We do welcome PRs that implement features from our backlog and are always happy to help you incorporate Promitor in your infrastructure, but do not provide 24/7 support. Are you having issues or feature requests?

Feel free to let us know!

Support Promitor


We are proud to have the following end-users(s) running Promitor in production:

Adobe Albert Heijn Bryte Blue ResDiary The Trade Desk Trynz Vsoft Walmart Labs

Are you a Promitor user? Let us know and get listed!

Learn more about how they are using Promitor:

Thank you

We'd like to thank the following service(s) for supporting our open-source initiative!

  • Netlify allows us to provide previews of our documentation changes in our pull requests that make it easier to review them.

Deploys by Netlify

But they are not the only one we'd like to thank!

For a full list of services, tooling & NuGet packages that support us - Have a look at our Thank you page!

License Information

This is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the web application. But you always need to state that Tom Kerkhove is the original author of this web application.