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Runtime Configuration

This article covers an overview of all the knobs that you can tweak to align the Scraper runtime with your needs.

Promitor Scraper runtime is configured by mounting the configuration to a volume.

Depending on the operating system, it need to be available on :

  • /config/runtime.yaml for Linux
  • c:/config/runtime.yaml for Windows

We provide the capability to override te runtime YAML via environment variables, if you have the need for it.

Here is a complete example of the runtime YAML:

  # Options are ServicePrincipal, SystemAssignedManagedIdentity, UserAssignedManagedIdentity.
  mode: ServicePrincipal # Optional. Default: ServicePrincipal.
  identityId: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx # Optional.
  httpPort: 80 # Optional. Default: 80
    pageId: XXX          # Mandatory
    systemMetricMapping: # Mandatory to have at least one mapping
    - id: ABC
      promitorMetricName: promitor_demo_appplan_percentage_cpu
    collectorUri: http://<dns>:4317
    metricUnavailableValue: NaN # Optional. Default: NaN
    enableMetricTimestamps: false # Optional. Default: true
    baseUriPath: /metrics # Optional. Default: /metrics
      transformation: None # Optional. Default: None.
    host: graphite
    port: 8125 # Optional. Default: 8125
    metricPrefix: promitor. # Optional. Default: None
  absolutePath: /config/metrics-declaration.yaml # Optional. Default: /config/metrics-declaration.yaml
    informationLevel: Basic # Optional. Default: Basic
    isEnabled: false # Optional. Default: false
      startingFromInHours: 24 # Optional. Default: 12
    instrumentationKey: ABC # Optional. Note: Required to be specified when turned on
    isEnabled: false # Optional. Default: false
    verbosity: trace # Optional. Default: N/A
    isEnabled: true # Optional. Default: true
    verbosity: trace # Optional. Default: N/A
  defaultVerbosity: error # Optional. Default: error
  host: promitor.agents.resourcediscovery # Optional. DNS name of Promitor Resource Discovery agent
  enabled: true # Optional. Indication whether or not resource discovery is enabled through the Promitor Resource Discovery agent.
  port: 88 # Optional. Port of Promitor Resource Discovery agent

Note: Using Promitor v0.x? Use environment variables to configure the runtime.


The Promitor runtime allows you to use various ways to authenticate to Azure:

  • authentication.mode - Defines authentication mode to use. Options are ServicePrincipal, SystemAssignedManagedIdentity, UserAssignedManagedIdentity. (defaults to service principle)
  • authentication.identityId - Id of the Azure AD entity to authenticate with when integrating with Microsoft Azure. Required when using ServicePrincipal or UserAssignedManagedIdentity.


  # Options are ServicePrincipal, SystemAssignedManagedIdentity, UserAssignedManagedIdentity.
  mode: ServicePrincipal # Optional. Default: ServicePrincipal.
  identityId: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx # Optional.


The Promitor runtime is flexible and allows you to configure it to meet your needs:

  • server.httpPort - Defines the port to serve HTTP traffic (default 80)


  httpPort: 80 # Optional. Default: 80

Metric Sinks

Promitor automatically scrapes Azure Monitor and makes the information available by providing the metric information to the configured sinks.

As of today, we support the follow sinks:

  • Atlassian Statuspage
  • OpenTelemetry Collector
  • Prometheus Scraping Endpoint
  • StatsD

Atlassian Statuspage

Availability Badge

In order to expose an Atlassian Statuspage endpoint, you'll need to configure the sink:

  • atlassianStatuspage.pageId - Defines the id of the Atlassian Statuspage to report to.
  • atlassianStatuspage.systemMetricMapping - Defines a mapping of the scraped metric by Promitor and to which Atlassian Statuspage system metric it should be reported to. Here's what we expect:
    • id - Id of the Atlassian Statuspage system metric
    • promitorMetricName - Name of the Promitor metric which needs to be reported

Next to that, PROMITOR_ATLASSIAN_STATUSPAGE_APIKEY environment variable is required which contains the API Key for Atlassian Statuspage.

    pageId: XXX          # Mandatory
    systemMetricMapping: # Mandatory to have at least one mapping
    - id: ABC
      promitorMetricName: promitor_demo_appplan_percentage_cpu

⚠ As of today, metric labels, resource discovery and multi-resource scraping are not supported.

This is because Promitor will report the different resource metrics to the same Atlassian metric which will mix metrics which becomes confusing.

OpenTelemetry Collector

Availability Badge

In order to push metrics to an OpenTelemetry Collector, you'll need to configure the sink:

  • openTelemetryCollector.collectorUri - Uri of the OpenTelemetry Collector.
  collectorUri: http://<dns>:4317

Prometheus Scraping Endpoint

Availability Badge

In order to expose a Prometheus Scraping endpoint, you'll need to configure the sink:

  • prometheusScrapingEndpoint.metricUnavailableValue - Defines the value that will be reported if a metric is unavailable. (Default: NaN)
  • prometheusScrapingEndpoint.enableMetricTimestamps - Defines whether or not a timestamp should be included when the value was scraped on Azure Monitor. Supported values are True to opt-in & False to opt-out. (Default: true)
  • prometheusScrapingEndpoint.baseUriPath - Controls the path where the scraping endpoint for Prometheus is being exposed. (Default: /metrics)
  • prometheusScrapingEndpoint.labels.transformation - Controls how label values are reported to Prometheus by using transformation. Options are None & Lowercase. (Default: None)
    metricUnavailableValue: NaN # Optional. Default: NaN
    enableMetricTimestamps: false # Optional. Default: true
    baseUriPath: /metrics # Optional. Default: /metrics
      transformation: None # Optional. Default: None.

What happens when metrics are unavailable for multi-dimensional metrics?

Promitor allows you to use dimension in metrics so that it will report all values.

For example, when scraping an Azure Event Hub namespace you can report the same metric for every entity inside the namespace.

When Promitor reports the metric it will always add a label which clarifies the subresource. However; when it cannot find a metric for that dimension it will keep on reporting the metric, but with value unknown given it cannot determine the name of the dimension.


Availability Badge

In order to push metrics to a StatsD server, you'll need to configure the sink:

  • - DNS name or IP address of StatsD server.
  • - Port (UDP) address of StatsD server. (Default: 8125)
  • metricSinks.statsd.metricPrefix - Prefix that will be added to every metric defined in the metric declaration.
    host: graphite
    port: 8125
    metricPrefix: promitor.

⚠ As of today, metric labels are not supported.

Unfortunately, this is not supported in the specification.

Using resource discovery

Resource discovery can be used by integrating with Promitor Resource Discovery which allows you to scrape metrics by using discovery groups.

In order to enable this, resource discovery must be configured first:

  • resourceDiscovery.enabled - Indication whether or not resource discovery is enabled through the Promitor Resource Discovery agent.
  • - DNS name of Promitor Resource Discovery agent.
  • resourceDiscovery.port - Port of Promitor Resource Discovery agent.
  host: promitor.agents.resourcediscovery
  enabled: true
  port: 88 # Optional. Default: 80

To learn more about how Promitor Scraper and Promitor Resource Discovery work together, read our documentation.

Metric Configuration

Promitor will scrape the Azure Monitor metrics that are configured via a metric declaration YAML.

The behavior of this is configurable:

  • metricsConfiguration.absolutePath - Defines the location of the YAML file that declares what Azure Monitor metrics to scrape. (Default: /config/metrics-declaration.yaml)


  absolutePath: /config/metrics-declaration.yaml # Optional. Default: /config/metrics-declaration.yaml


We provide insights in how our runtime is doing and is written to one or more sinks.

You can determine what telemetry sinks you want and what the default verbosity should be via the runtime YAML.

General telemetry information can be configured:

  • telemetry.defaultVerbosity- Defines the default minimum log level that should be logged if a sink does not provide one. Allowed values are Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Critical, None ordered from most to least verbose. (Default: Error)

To learn more about the configured sinks and their configuration, see "Telemetry Sinks".


    # [...]
    # [...]
  defaultVerbosity: error # Optional. Default: error

Telemetry Sinks

Promitor provides the telemetry, but it's up to you to choose where you want to send it to.

We currently support the following sinks:

Container Logs

Promitor can send telemetry to stdout/stderr.

In order to enable use this sink, the following configuration needs to be provided:

  • telemetry.containerLogs.isEnabled - Determines if the sink is used or not. (Default: true)
  • telemetry.containerLogs.verbosity - Verbosity to use for this sink, if not specified then the telemetry.defaultVerbosity will be used. (Optional)


    isEnabled: true # Optional. Default: true
    verbosity: trace # Optional. Default: N/A
  defaultVerbosity: error # Optional. Default: error

Azure Application Insights

Promitor can send telemetry to Azure Application Insights when there is a need to.

It currently supports:

  • Traces Availability Badge
  • Exceptions

In order to enable use this sink, the following configuration needs to be provided:

  • telemetry.applicationInsights.isEnabled - Determines if the sink is used or not. (Default: true)
  • telemetry.applicationInsights.verbosity - Verbosity to use for this sink, if not specified then the telemetry.defaultVerbosity will be used. (Optional)
  • telemetry.applicationInsights.instrumentationKey - Defines the instrumentation key to use when sending telemetry to Azure Application Insights


    instrumentationKey: ABC # Optional. Note: Required to be specified when turned on
    isEnabled: false # Optional. Default: false
    verbosity: trace # Optional. Default: N/A
    isEnabled: true # Optional. Default: true
    verbosity: trace # Optional. Default: N/A
  defaultVerbosity: error # Optional. Default: error

Azure Monitor

Promitor interacts with Azure Monitor API to scrape all the required metrics.

During troubleshooting it can be interesting to gain insights on what the API returns, for which you can opt-in.

The behavior of this can be configured to fit your needs:

  • azureMonitor.logging.informationLevel - Defines granularity of information that should be reported. Available options are Basic, Headers, Body & BodyAndHeaders. (Default: Basic)
  • azureMonitor.logging.isEnabled - Defines whether or not information concerning the integration with Azure Monitor API. (Default: false)
  • azureMonitor.integration.history.startingFromInHours - Defines the amount of hours Promitor will use to define the starting point of the time window used for metric queries.
  • As an example, the default is 12 hours which means Promitor will fetch all metrics between now - 12 hours and now to find a matching metric. Typically this window can be very small but Promitor provides a margin by default to prevent problems for long aggregation periods. (Default: 12)


    informationLevel: Basic # Optional. Default: Basic
    isEnabled: false # Optional. Default: false
      startingFromInHours: 24 # Optional. Default: 12

Note: All telemetry is emitted as trace so you have to make sure telemetry is configured correctly.

Overriding configuration with environment variables

In certain scenarios you'd like to override what was configured in the runtime YAML. Therefore we provide the capability to override them via environment variables.

Every environment variable should be prefixed with PROMITOR_YAML_OVERRIDE_ followed by the YAML hierarchy where every level is replaced with __ rather than a tab. Environment variables are not case sensitive.

Our runtime configuration API endpoint allows you to verify if it was overriden and returns what will be used to run Promitor.

⚠ Depending on the configuration that is changed it may be required to restart Promitor, for example changing the HTTP port.


Let's say we want to override the following HTTP port:

  httpPort: 80

An environment variable called PROMITOR_YAML_OVERRIDE_server__httpPort can be provided which specifies the new port.

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